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GP Referendum


OFFICIAL GPCE INFO: LMC update 3 April 2024

On behalf of GPC England, I want to thank every single GP and GP registrar across the country who took part in our referendum. Let us not forget, this referendum wasn’t even a ballot, it was merely a dress rehearsal for what’s around the corner. Either way, had it been a ballot, it would have comfortably passed the required thresholds.

This referendum was a temperature check of the profession - and make no mistake - in the week where we have a third consecutive contract imposition, we are at boiling point. I’m overwhelmed to share the result that more than 99.2% of you have voted firmly against this contract. This is an unequivocal result that will demand NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care, Government, and other parties now sit up and take notice.

It is now clear that we are one profession, which has spoken with one voice and said enough - time’s up. This contract imposition does not give practices stability. It does not give us hope. This contract, which NHSE are choosing to impose upon us, is not safe.

The contract changes, which will be imposed by the Government and NHS England from 1 April 2024, include a national practice contract baseline funding uplift of just £179m for England’s general practices, way below inflation in recent years, meaning many practices will struggle to stay financially viable over the next six to 12 months and risk closure.

The day after the referendum closed, GPC England met to decide and determine the next steps we’ll be taking as a profession knowing you’re standing right behind us. We are now starting to receive the full dataset and results breakdown from Civica, and we’ll share that with you in due course too.

When I qualified as a GP in 2008, we were called the ‘jewel in the crown of the NHS’. General practice has been demeaned, diminished, diluted, bullied and gaslit long enough. We now start the fight back, bringing our patients with us. Patients want access to their family doctor in a surgery that feels safe, with a well-resourced team ready to meet the needs of our communities, and that’s what we want too.

We are the bedrock upon which the rest of the NHS stands, with 400 million patient contacts a year. Almost 1.4 million every single day. That’s a lot of voters.

So congratulations, ‘team GP’. The battle to save general practice has begun. I’m proud to represent you, and I know that your BMA committee, GPC England, is proud to serve you.

We will be in touch soon with more information, guidance on the 2024/25 contract and next steps for us all.

OFFICIAL GPCE INFO: LMC update 9 February

Referendum and next steps

We have produced a webpage with everything you need to know about the current GP contract changes and what we plan to do next. Remember, whatever is on the table come March 1st will be put to you in a referendum which will enable the profession to decide whether the offer sufficiently supports general practice in England for the forthcoming financial year, or not.  to decide whether the suggested changes sufficiently support general practice in England for the forthcoming financial year, or not.

To be eligible to vote in the referendum, you need to be a member of the BMA to have your say.  This means making sure your details are up to date and spreading the word to colleagues about joining the BMA. The referendum won’t prevent the Government from imposing changes to the contract, but it will give us vital insight into how the profession feels, and where we go next.

Update your member details on www.bma.org.uk/my-bma and share this email with your colleagues and encourage them to join the BMA today to have your say. Visit our GP contract page here


April 2024 update: GMS CONTRACT FOR 2024-25 / ROadshows and onwards.

Following the 98.2% rejection of the imposed GMS contract for 2024/25 by GPs, the BMA has now contacted NHS England to advise that the profession is now in formal dispute.

There will now follow a period of discussion and developing the final plans for Industrial Action which is planned to happen late November to early December 2024.

The GPC is arranging 10 Roadshows across England.  The most convenient for most GPs in LLR will be Coventry on 11 June 2024.  Once the venue has been finalised we will circulate how to sign up to it.

The full proposed timetable (please note the dates are subject to change) is:


May 2024

2 May: local council elections 2 May.

16 May: Vision document to be published at GPCE meeting.

24-25 May: UK Conference LMCs with GPCE/LMC roadshow dates announced for the 10 England regions.

June 2024

Political party manifestos likely to be published.

GPCE/LMC roadshows across the 10 England regions commence (dates TBC).

BMA to undertake focus groups on GP industrial action with public and profession to complement the roadshows in England.

24-25 June: BMA Annual Representative Meeting.

July 2024

GPCE request permission from BMA UK Council to approve option for prospective IA. GPCE will meet face to face to deliberate strategic timeline and plan for Autumn action (if required).

Doctors and Dentists Remuneration Board (DDRB).


Allow time for negotiations in light of DDRB discussions to prepare communications tools and resources for use in September.


BMA membership push from the very start of the month, with a view to open the IA ballot by early September (if required) to coincide with political party conferences.

October 2024

Potential GP IA across England announced and enacted timed to commence alongside likely announcement of a late November/early December general election when UK enters period of pre-election sensitivity “purdah”. This period effectively silences the Department of Health and Social Care/NHS England Mandate expected for the for 2025/26 Contract negotiations.

November 2024

US Presidential elections.

UK general election campaigns with ongoing GP collective action likely coming up as a doorstep issue.


Likely general election.

Ongoing GP collective action.

January 2025

31 January: final date for a GE under current legislation.

Likely negotiations begin with new Government and new Health Secretary and Ministers. Whatever the shape of that new Government, the GPCE team will require a mandate and evidence of collective action to meet to negotiate the most favourable and successful outcome.

The BMA has written to all ICBs asking them to add industrial action to their risk registers.  We have raised this with the LLR ICB who are still deciding how to rate the risk.

The LMC office has received many queries asking about what form the industrial action will be.  This is still being explored, but I suspect that the final details will not be shared until GPs are formally balloted.  Please remember that in order to participate in the ballot you will need to be a member of the BMA.

Please remember that practices do not need to wait for industrial action before implement safe working, or ensuring that they are not unknowingly providing services they are not contracted or funded to provide.

Rebuild General Practice is offering a free masterclass on Digital Campaigning.  Full details as below.

  • LMC Update - April 2024


Many of you will have heard Dr Katie Bramall-Stainer talking about the current situation at our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 21st March 2024, or at one of the GPC Webinars.

The GPC referendum was a fore runner to a possible ballot on industrial action. The final result was that 19,009 GPs voted, representing a turnout of 61.2% of those who had been sent a voting paper. Only 155 voted in favour of the proposed contract for 2024-25 meaning that 99.2% of GPs rejected it.

One of the issues that the referendum highlighted was multiple problems within the BMA database of GP members. If you or anyone that you know is a BMA member but was not able to vote, please contact the BMA or the LMC office, to ensure that this is sorted out before the ballot regarding industrial action.

The next step is that the GPC will hold regional meetings to discuss with as many GPs as possible your views, what action you would be willing to take, and what you hope the BMA can achieve. We will share further information in due course.

NHS England continue to be either blase or uncaring about the actual state of general practice as seen in their most recent letter. They continue to be obsessed with quick and easy access to general practice regardless of the effect that this narrow approach is having on quality of care, including continuity of care. In addition, the evidence from the national patient survey is that this is also not what they value the most. As can be seen from this infographic produced by Beds and Hart LMC, there is no correlation between number of appointments and patient satisfaction:

However, there is correlation between patient satisfaction and being given enough time with the clinician.

The LMC continues to advise all GPs to join the BMA at least in the short term so you can participate in the most important debate about the future of general practice, including voting in the unavoidable. We ask all GPs to join our WhatsApp group to get timely updates, and also please ensure that every GP you know is on the LMC distribution list (i.e. did you receive this newsletter directly, if not please let us know).